Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: manifestation and psychosomatics

Cervical osteochondrosis refers to the "disease of the century. "Its manifestation most often affects people aged 25-40 years, which gives them a lot of inconvenience in everyday life.

The cervical spine is constantly in motion, therefore it is subject to serious stress during the day.

In addition, it is here that a large number of nerve endings and vascular formations are concentrated, which are responsible for the correct functioning of the brain and its timely saturation with blood.

The problem lies in the dysfunction of the articular cartilage located in the bone tissue.

Acute osteochondrosis with changes in the intervertebral discs and their displacement leads to a decrease in blood flow, developing oxygen deprivation in the human brain.

The development of a dystrophic process in the intervertebral discs can lead to serious consequences, therefore the disease requires compulsory treatment.

Disease Signs

signs of illness

It is possible to determine the development of cervical osteochondrosis at an early stage by the crunch in the neck that occurs during head rotation.

Sufferers also report tinnitus and general discomfort in the neck area, which manifests itself as painful sensations (can even appear in the fingers on the hand).

It is often not possible to locate pain. It all depends only on which parts of the cervical spine were damaged. The defeat of the intervertebral disc with displacement is described by patients in different ways, but they note stitching pains.

A pinched joint or injury from friction with the discs of the spinal column is described differently: a dull pain in the collar region is present almost constantly and does not subside even in the absence of sudden movements.

How osteochondrosis of the neck manifests itself

If you start to develop strange back and neck pains, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. It is possible that this is all psychosomatics, however, the disease is often confirmed by a doctor.

That is why we have formed some excerpt and highlight the main signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

how is sensitivity distributed

  1. Headache accompanied by dizziness. This is the very first and most common symptom among all patients. In the spine, additional pressure is created on the sensitive vessels of the head and neck, which slows down their filling with the required amount of blood. Against the general background, efficiency and mental activity decrease, a person quickly gets tired even from simple tasks.
  2. Dizziness when turning the head to the sides. For a short period of time, the access of blood through the vessels and capillaries is blocked, which causes "clouding" in the activity of the human brain system.
  3. Pain in the chest and arms. Often this manifestation of a serious ailment is confused with growing angina pectoris or pain in the heart muscle, so you should not yourself be engaged in establishing the correct diagnosis and subsequent self-medication.
  4. Lumbago in the cervical region. Backache is also a common symptom of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It resembles a point electric shock and can later spread to the elbow joints and fingers.
  5. Numbness of tongue. The lack of blood in the vessels causes a restriction in the movement of the tongue. If you have a change in the tone of your voice or it has become much more difficult to speak, immediately consult a doctor so as not to trigger further development of the disease.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In some patients, the disease may manifest itself with other signs, so if you are not sure what could have caused the back or neck pain, then it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Ringing in the ears, deterioration of the condition of teeth and vision - all this can cause developing osteochondrosis. Numbness of the fingers can occur at any time of the day, which is associated with a sharp compression of the nerve endings in the vertebrae.

Unfortunately, the disease is increasingly beginning to manifest itself in young people who do not pay enough attention to it. Over time, the disease can acquire a chronic course with a change in posture, the appearance of excess weight and the development of infectious diseases for no apparent reason.

diagnostics of cervical osteochondrosis

Even experienced doctors, in this case, find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis against the background of indicators that differ in symptomatology.

Types of exacerbations

Often, people's inattention to their own health leads to an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis. So, what are the exacerbations and what are they caused by?

On the nerves

Unfortunately, stressful situations occurring in every person's life lead to a deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral disc.

We do not even notice that during strong excitement or overexcitation we begin to move chaotically, which leads to an exacerbation of osteochondrosis with all the ensuing consequences (dizziness, tinnitus, headache).

If you suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to take sedative tablets "Glycesid" and "Novo-Passit" with a mandatory visit to a neurologist or psychotherapist.

After the massage

Slimming massage in most cases leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Before the start of the session, the massage therapist must be notified that you have a confirmed diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis.

Neurologists often advise professional massage therapists who perform massage taking into account the recommendations of doctors.


Changes in weather and climatic conditions cause seasonal exacerbation of the disease, and this is a scientifically proven fact. Intervertebral discs are sensitive to temperature and atmospheric changes, so pain and other symptoms may appear.

After drinking

Another typical example of an exacerbation of osteochondrosis is drinking alcohol. The body is affected not only by the alcohol contained in drinks, but also by a person's stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

One should not exclude situations when hot people, because of the “warmth” that has washed over them, simply forget to dress warmly, exposing the nerve endings to hypothermia.

During your period

In women, menstruation is accompanied by a severe decrease in the level of estrogen, which is responsible for the integrity of bone tissue in the body.

If pain in the lumbar region, chest and neck does not go away for a long time, then this is a reason for a visit to the doctor, since they may be caused not by the menstrual cycle and its symptoms, but by the manifestation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

During a cold

Changes in body temperature during illness cause inflammatory processes in the nerve endings located in the intervertebral discs. Which in turn can cause exacerbation.

What is the danger of cervical osteochondrosis?

what is the danger of osteochondrosis of the neck

Cervical osteochondrosis in advanced stages can lead to the development of vascular dystonia, hypertension, impaired memory and hearing. In extreme cases, patients experience impaired hand function, as well as persistent pain in the forearms.

Hypertension is a scourge of society, it is not without reason that it is called "silent death. "Hardly any of the patients can imagine that untimely treatment of osteochondrosis can lead to the manifestation of hypertension, which proceeds without visible manifestations and symptoms.

Concerns should also concern possible changes in the vascular system of a person, since after this he may develop a whole bunch of diseases and complications.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

A tactile method is used to diagnose osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It allows you to assess the painful sensations in the spine, the sensitivity of nerve endings, as well as other features that are important for the correct and accurate diagnosis.

After being examined by a neurologist, the patient is referred for a cervical x-ray, which is performed in several projections to obtain a clearer picture.

If even after that the doctor fails to accurately diagnose the disease or there are other suspicions, a computed tomography or MRI scan is performed. It, unlike X-ray, very well shows the state of soft tissues.


Traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are good in their own way, but do not forget about the need to consult a doctor, since it is he who is able to prescribe the correct treatment.

Conservative treatments include:

  • Analgesic therapy
  • Taking non-steroidal drugs
  • Taking antispasmodics

A mandatory requirement in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is the use of chondroprotectors, which allow restoring the damaged structure and integrity of the intervertebral discs.

The doctor prescribes general and acupressure massage, and also prescribes B vitamins. In advanced cases, it may be necessary to wear a Shants collar and exercise therapy.

Thus, the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is possible, but it should be done at an early stage of the manifestation of the disease in order to exclude its occurrence in the future.